It was a wonderful, relaxing, stress-free birthday weekend. The absolutely best birthday i've had in a very long time. Friday night Ken came over and I made manicotti. (recipe on my other blog) I don't even remember what we watched on tv, just that dinner was good and it was a nice, quiet evening.
Saturday Ken woke up with a mission. For my birthday, he went to Home Depot and spent like $300 on misc stuff to fix up the house. I gave him a 'honey-do' list and he went to work. I got three new curtains and rods, new weather stripping on the patio door in my bedroom, a new shower head and doors for my master bath, and he redid the cable wiring for the front media room. I swear I love this man. This was better than any other present I could have thought of or asked for. He just kept coming up with 'well, would you like me to do.....' and of course my answer was yes! He topped off the day with steak dinner and a cheesecake from Freeds, the absolute best cheesecake in the entire world. This of course led to a discussion of wedding cakes, since he saw a few that they had displayed when he went in. They had one there years ago that i've always said if I were to get married again I would get. It was a 4 layer chocolate cake with chocolate covered strawberries all over it. Divine. But after several bites of cherry cheesecake, I have decided that all I want is a GIANT cherry cheesecake. Or even a bunch of little ones. They are that good.
Sunday I got alot more done around the house, talked to V (more on that later) and then went to see 'Yes Man'.
Loved. It. Honestly, I laughed so hard I think I peed in my pants a little. Enough said.
Glad your birthday was a good one. We saw Yes Man on New Years Eve, and yes...it was laugh out loud funny. Jim is hysterical.
So glad your birthday was good!! And girl that was awesome of him to do all that for you!!!!
And, love your new pic!
A complete honey do list for your birthday....how nice.
Happy Birthday!
Glad you had a good birthday!!
I loved Yes Man too! I wasn't sure I would - Jim Carey can be a bit over the top, but I was pleasantly surprised!
ah- I didnt know it was your birthday! What's your favorite scentsy scent? I'll send you out a car candle!
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