In honor of my un-birthday (34 years and one month) I thought I would share some of my observations on aging.
5. What do you mean it's acne? I thought I paid my dues when I was 15! (remember, I was called pizza face for 2 years???) But for some reason, my face has decided it's going through puberty..again. I've heard every reason there could be...stress, diet, GETTING OLDER, even AS YOU GET OLDER your skin changes, so the same skin care products you've been using for the last oh say five years DON'T WORK ANYMORE. Are you kidding me? So now i'm faced with the even more stressful task of finding NEW skin care products, on the off chance that the first 10 I try are going to make said acne WORSE!
4. Achy joints. Achy muscles. Let's face it, i'm just achy. When you're on the floor and have to announce that you're getting up, just to warn anyone who might be within grabbing distance, you're headed down that hill.
3. Your body changes. Everyone always warned me this would happen. 'Oh, just wait til you're 30, you won't be able to eat like that and not gain any weight'. I'm actually okay with that, but I just lost 5 lbs and I swear my jeans got TIGHTER. My hips and butt must have shifted to compensate for the weight loss. Yeah, that must be it.
2. Hearing goes. I've always had bad hearing. Not really bad, just not the kind of hearing that can pick up a direction of a sound. (You don't want to be in a car with me and have me hear a siren, I start freaking out until I can SEE the friggin thing). But as I've gotten older, I have found that I have a hard time hearing with alot of ambient sound. "Be quiet i'm on the phone", "Turn that music down, I can't hear what you're saying", " I couldn't hear you the fan in the bathroom was on". These phrases have all taken on new meanings. (Meaning, they could all be at a whisper and they would all be too loud).
1. And the number 1 observation on getting older, what in the friggin crap do I wear? "I'm too young to be old and too old to be young". I have gotten to where I almost HATE shopping. Everything either makes me feel like i'm trying to look like i'm in my early twenties and still have the body to show off (which I don't) or i feel like a frumpy old school marm from the 19th century (thing Little House on the Prairie). I'm sure it's not as bad as it looks, but I can't seem to find a sense of style anymore. Shoes, no problem. Purses, I got it goin on. Clothes? Can't I just wear jeans and a Pearl Jam t-shirt and call it good?
I love this post....wait until your kids start to program your dvr and other tech equipment. :-)
This is great... too bad for me, I can never complain about aging... at least around my husband who is 12 years my senior. :)
I TOTALLY GET THIS. awww, getting older really bites. Hey, come by for a valentine for all my friend followers. Thanks for reading. Happy Valentines Day.
Just found your blog and can so relate on everything you wrote, esp. #1. I found More magazine and its helped some. As long as jeans don't go out of style I'm good.
Happy un-bday!
As I sit here rubbing my achy neck...LOL
I'm a lot older than you and I am sad to tell you this but that all just gets worse and worse. Especially the wardrobe dilemma.
This post is so cute! But you're not old! Thanks for the comment on my last post, it is very exciting:-)
my skin is worse now than it ever was when i was a teen. go figure.
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