Melissa over at The Scholastic Scribe is giving a $25 gift card to Target to the person who comes up with the best caption to this picture.

The Coco Cafe is giving away this gorgeous baby sling. I know several women who would love one of these as a gift. I've been doing some reading on the whole 'baby wearing' thing. I was raised where you always had a baby on your hip anyways, so this way you at least can use both of your hands. Altho I guess it's not as much of a feet when you can cook dinner, do the laundry, change a diaper and tie a shoe all with both hands as apposed to one. But I still think they're cool.

Xazmin over at This is the year is giving away your choice of these two cute girly packages for your little girl. Seeing as how I don't have any kids myself but am surround by pregnant women or newborns I thought this would work as a cute gift.

Mamarazzi over ad Dandelion Wishes is giving away a prize everymonth to one of her followers. I have been following her site for a few months now and she is just the coolest! Definately check her out.
I love giveaways too. I couldn't even think of a name for that crazy picture.
Giveaways are great. I sometimes give away fiction books on my site. It's fun learning what other giveaways are out there.
Good luck! Those are some great gifts.
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