Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ch ch changes....

Well, i'm seriously debating whether or not to leave the changes i've made to the design of this blog or to hire someone seriously more gifted than me to revamp it. I like the white background, I think, and I love the header picture.... just not sure.... I so hate change.

But considering how much I hate change, i'm moving, AGAIN. For those of you who remember I moved 3 times last year and swore I wouldnt move again for a really really long time. Well, that must have been in dog years because we're moving in a month. There's a rental home that just came up that we're dying to have. It's the perfect design, not to mention location, being half way between both of our parents. It's a bit out of town (think half way to Utah) but for the price and the house, I think it's worth it. Carl and I are just about out of room here, and Ken and I are ready for that next step of living together and seeing as how there's not even enough room for him to leave stuff for overnight (what do you mean clear out one of my dresser drawers?) we NEED a bigger house. We should get the keys this weekend and will know all of the details (moving date) later. I'm actually pretty excited. It's going to be a big step for Ken and I. We've known each other for 15 years, dated off and on for 10, but have never spent more than a week total together with each other. I think it'll be good for us, getting to know each other on a different level. He's lived by himself for the past 5 years, and i've always either lived with a boyfriend or a roommate, so it's going to be a big transition. I've got my fingers crossed tho.


Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Good luck with your move!

Beth Dunn said...

That song always reminds me of "big" moments. How funny. Good luck. xo

Posh Peach said...

Good luck!!

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Wow- good luck with all the changes! What a coincidence, the movers came to my house this morning to move all my stuff from my Los Angeles (where I lived alone) to my Sacramento house (where I live with my husband). I've been traveling back and forth between LA and Sacramento for over 10 years, splitting my time between the 2 cities and now we are finally going ot be living together full time - what a concept!

Wishing you the best.

(came by from SITS - you commented above me today)

- Margaret

chandra said...

if this is not life..what is>>>???
