My boss and friend, Nicole, lost her brother yesterday. He was only 47. It was a quick battle with cancer that took everyone by surprise. He and Nicole had always been close, altho during the past 10 years they had let disagreements with both of their spouses come between them. In the past year they had rekindled their relationship, making the bond between them stronger than ever. They had lost their mother (to the same thing) 20 years ago and reliving this for Nicole is incredibly hard. I'm trying to be their for her in any way I can, doing as much business wise as I can and also giving her as much space as i'm sure she needs.
I can't help but think of how close my brothers and sisters are. There are 7 of us, spanning 19 years (i'm the oldest). Of course like most families we have our differences. We are all very different people. Some of us working day by day doing the family thing, some very conservative and some living alternative lifestyles. But dispite all the disagreements and differences, I can't wrap my head around what I would do if I lost one of them.
Hug your family tonight. Tell them that you love them.
I can't imagine life without my family. Nor can I possibly imagine what your friend is going through.
Sometimes it's easy to forget that our days are finite and we'd better make the most of them. Thanks for the reminder.
Reading dis i remember that the author of the blog 'not plain jane' too is suffering from cancer.She has not blogged for a while now.I hope she's alright...
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