Tonight was bath and nail time for the girls. I try to do it at least once a month, more often in the summer. They're actually pretty good at it, considering they both hate water. There's the initial struggle, the bracing all four paws on the edges of the shower door to try to keep from being forced into the shower. I've figured the trick of it is to not turn on the water until after they're in there. If I do it before, there's no way they're getting in there. But they can sense it coming. I don't even have to say 'bath time' and they start running around the house looking for a place to hide. And honestly, if they could groom themselves likes cats do, i'd be fine with not giving them a shower. Definately would keep my back from hurting half as much as it does. But no, they have to be smelly dig in the dirt eat poop dogs that require a regular bath if I don't want my house to smell like a 15 year old boys room. Sunshine is always first, since I can just hold her while I wash her. In and out in less than 5 minutes. Bella tho is a different story. Thank God I have a detachable shower head (my wonderful birthday present from Ken) or I think i'd look like the hunchback of Notre Dame forever. She has this really thick almost muppet monster like hair that just takes FOREVER to soak up water and wash. And of course she's the one that likes to roll around in the dirt. Couldnt be the little one with hair the size of an eyelash.
After bathtime comes nail time. I've never cut their nails, as i'm a total chicken. I can just see myself cutting in too far and hurting them. The pedi paws is so wonderful cuz it's almost fool proof. I never worry about hurting them. Getting them to hold still for it is a different story. Again, I can just hold Sunshine. But I have to lay on top of Bella to keep her still. Fortunatly it's fast and they forgive me just as fast.

Oh boy..we were thinking of getting a dog, but that sounds like more work than giving the kids a bath. LOL
I always wondered about pedi paws! Your doggie is adorable!
Visiting from SITS.. I need to get pedipaws! My pug freaks out!!!
We have pedi-paws...I love it.! Saw you on roll-call!!!!
I've never bathed a dog but I have five kids and it sounds like a similar process! Stopping by from SITS to say good morning!
Bath time is easy at our house, you get in the shower and the dogs want to get in to It is harder to take a shower alone. I do have to clip their nails but I always chicken out because I'm afraid I will hurt them.
Awwww....bath time at your house sounds similar at my house! She doesn't like it at all! Good thing I found those new pet wipes at Wal-Mart! They are awesome for the "in between" bath times!
Thanks for stopping by my little blog yesterday!
Found you on SITS,
I love the trimmer myself but, the smell! YUCK! That's the only bad part!
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